Our publications about Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Cabinet médical
DAU Quang Luong
224, Avenue du Maine
75014 Paris
Tel. 01 40 44 80 82
specialties praticed in our clinic
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Chinese Medicine
Handy Medicine:
Energetic Massage
Medical Hypnose
General Medicine
Since nearly five millennia the acupuncture is practiced extensively in
China and in the other countries that received the Chinese culture as
Vietnam, Korea and Japan, all alone or in association to the Chinese
pharmacopoeia, to the energizing massage, to take care of with success a lot
of illnesses. Indeed the first book of acupuncture "Huang Di Nei Jing
Ling Shu" (Internal Cannon: sacred hinge) has been achieved
toward the year 2800 before J. - C. (The Chinese tradition wanted to assign
this work to the emperor Huang Di and to his six physicians advisers Khi Pa,
Kuei Yu Shu, Pa Kao, Chao Yu, Chao Chi and Lei Kung).
To our days, the acupuncture is recognized by the World order of Health
(WHO) and it is revealed in nearly all continents of the world, especially
in Asia, in Europe and in north America.
A lot of modern biologic and instrumental research only made other confirm
the theory of the energizing meridians and their functionality: the
meridians or energizing channels and the points arranged on their course are
incontestable realities. Intervention on these points provokes a real effect
on the nervous system, on the nervous excretion, on the biochemical change
of the body fluids and on the number and the activity of the blood cells.
Thereafter we are going to enumerate some of the numerous modern researches
on the reality of the acupuncture.
1) The existence of the energizing vessels:
The institute of research of the Chinese Medicine of Fuckian (China), then
Zhong Kok Nghia Hung (Japan) noted that on the skin there are lines of
electric conduction that trace the course of the vessels of the acupuncture.
Besides, on the skin of a cadaver the electric conduction of these lines is
equal to the one of the next zones, as noticed the Division of Biology of
the university of Medicine of Zhong San (China), Academic Clinic of the
university of Medicine of Tian Tan (China), Institute of Chinese Medicine of
Shanghai (China). (Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume 2,
pag. 235 - publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute - Hanoi - Vietnam -1979).
2) The reality of the points of the acupuncture:
Different western and oriental authors- among these, Zhong Kok Nghia Hung
(Japan), Niboyet, Brunet, Pourret, Grenier (France), Institute of research
of Chinese Medicine of Fuckian (China), Academic Clinic of the university of
Medicine of Tian Tan (China), Institute of Chinese Medicine of Zhong San
(China), Institute of Chinese Medicine of Shanghai (China), Patsibiakin,
Geikin, Iniusin, Adamenko (Russia) - demonstrated that the point of the
acupuncture corresponds to a small zone of low electric resistance, and
while uniting the points of the same vessel one gets an excellent line of
electric conduction. (Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume
2, pag. 235 - publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute - Hanoi - Vietnam
This discovery of the variation of the electric resistance of skin to the
point of the acupuncture led the industries to the realization of the
electro-stimulators devices with the accessory point-searcher who appears in
some case useful to determine with accurateness the point.
3) Contractile effects of the uterus:
I got personally very quickly, in three opportunities, the effect of the
sting of the points Sanyinjiao and Hegu on the uterine contraction while I
helped my wife to give birth. After the manual stimulation of the aforesaid
points, on the screen of the monitor one could observe an increase important
of the muscular contractions of the uterus (= increase of the size and of
the frequency of the oscillographic waves on the screen).
This result is compatible with the research of the Division of biologic
research of the Scientific institute (China) that got the same uterine
contractile effect of the sting of the same point Sanyinjiao on the animals.
(Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume 2, pag. 218 -
publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute - Hanoi - Vietnam -1979).
The popular hospital n. 6 of Shanghai (China) observed through the X-ray the
stream of the contractions upwards of the uterus and the increase of the
circulation of the marked iodine in the falloppian tubes after the treatment
by the following points: Sanyinjiao, Zhongji, Qihai and Guilai.
(Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume 2, pag. 218 -
publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute - Hanoi - Vietnam -1979).
4) Effects of regularization of the nervous system:
Nakatami Yoshio (Japan) studied the electric conductibility of skin with the
use of Basmin, Imidalin, Pilocarpine and Atropine.
With the injection of Basmin, a sympathomimetic agent, one gets a
reduction of the electric resistance of skin and an easiness to the electric
conduction through skin.
The injection of Imidalin, a sympatholytic agent, determines
contrarily an increase of the cutaneous resistance.
The injection of pilocarpine, a parasympathomimetic agent, increases
the electric resistance of skin on the other hand, while the one of the
atropine, a parasympatholytic agent, decreases it.
He got, with the acupuncture, two interesting effects:
a - The reduction of the electric resistance of skin. This fact leads us to
think that the therapeutic effect of the acupuncture can explain itself with
the activation of the sympathic nervous system.
b - The homogenization of the electric resistance of skin on the whole
cutaneous surface of the body, while increasing the electric resistance in
the zones where it is low and while lowering it in the zones of high
electric resistance. This phenomenon leads us to think that the acupuncture
has an balancing effect of the functionality of the autonomous nervous
system. (Mentioned by Nguyen Van Nghi, Mai Van Dong, Ulderico Lanza in
"Théorie et pratique de l'Analgésie par l'Acupuncture" (Marseille 1974; pag.
5) Inhibition of the motor zones of the central nervous system:
An electroencephalographic survey on 88 topics of which 59 patients and 29
healthy achieved by Dong Thua Thong and Ly Uan Son (China) carried to the
conclusion that the inhibition of the motor zones of the central nervous
system was gotten by the acupuncture with a relatively strong stimulation in
90% of the cases at all two groups, except the fact that the time of latency
at the group of the healthy is a lot longer and the inhibitory effect is
weaker. (Mentioned by Nguyen Van Nghi, Mai Van Dong,
Ulderico Lanza in "Théorie et pratique de l'Analgésie par l'Acupuncture"
(Marseille 1974; pag. 373)).
6) Mechanism of action of the acupuncture:
In the analgesia by the acupuncture, the mechanism of action of the
stimulation of the acupuncture explains itself through two interesting
theories: Gate Control Theory and Nervous excretion Theory.
A) The first is "the Gate Control Theory" expressed by Melzack and
Wall (1965) and translated by Mamo in 1968 and by Sindou and Coll. in 1973.
It has been mentioned to assign to the acupuncture a local effect in the
zone of the surgical incision. According to this theory, the painful
stimulations of the exteroceptors are transmitted to the 3 systems:
1. the central T cells of the posterior horns of spinal cord;
2. the cells of the substantia gelatinosa of Rolando;
3. the ascending lemniscal system, that means the long ascending fibers of
the posterior columns.
There are two types of fibers that transmit the painful signals: the big
A-beta fibers on the one hand, the small A-delta fibers and the
C fibers on the other.
The big A-beta fibers (it is about big myelinated fibers) transmit
the signals while stimulating the cells of the substantia gelatinosa that
have an inhibitory power on the afferent fibers, therefore they block the
transmission of the pain.
The small A-delta fibers (it is about the small caliber myelinated
fibers, of 6 to 8 microns of diameter, and with a transmission rates of 2 to
6 m/sec.) and the C fibers (it is about smaller caliber amyelinated
fibers, of 2 to 4 microns of diameter, and with a transmission rates of 0,6
to 2 m/sec.) forbid the activities of the cells of the substantia gelatinosa
and let the gate opened to the transmission of pain to the T cells,
therefore of there to the brain.
One thinks that the sensation of weight, of numbness, (that the Chinese
define like sensation of the arrival of the energy to the point where
the needle is inserted and stimulated - but not of strong pain) provokes a
transmission of light signals through the big A-beta fibers that activate
the inhibitory effect of the cells of the substantia gelatinosa while
blocking the transmission of pain(= closing of the nervous transmission
In the practice of analgesia during the surgical interventions, one thinks
that the stimulation of the needles provokes this closing of the gate of the
transmission of pain before the painful stimulations provoked by the cut can
occur, and that these pains of the surgical intervention, while finding the
gate closed to the transmission of the nociceptive stimulation, are blocked.
B) The second is the Nervous excretion theory.
The latency of the apparition of the analgesia, the length of the effect and
the territorial distribution (not always metameric) gave the reason to the
Nervous excretion theory.
The researchers of the university of Medicine of Peking, in 1973, achieved a
survey on the effect of the acupuncture among three dogs whose encephalic
circulation had been crossed by anastomoses. So they got the pain-killing
effect on the second and then on the third dog, while applying the
acupuncture on the first.
This result would suggest that the acupuncture is susceptible to provoke in
the organism of the first dog the secretion of the pain-killing substances
that is transported toward the blood circulation of the two other dogs
through the anastomoses.
Thanks to another survey, achieved a short time after by the same University
of Medicine of Peking, the researchers discovered the seat of the secretion
of these pain-killing substances on the other hand. Indeed, the
intraventricular injection to a dog test, of the cephalo-rachidian liquid
appropriated of a dog submitted to the acupuncture, provoked an analgesia in
the receiving dog. The development of these substances seemed to take place
to the level of the central nervous System. (Mentioned in
"Pathogénie et Pathologie énergétiques en Médecine Chinoise - Traitement par
Acupuncture et Massages" - Dr Nguyen Van Nghi, pag. 705 - Marseille 1977).
Dr Bruce Pomeranz, 1977, showed that the acupuncture stimulates the small
afferent fibers of type 3 in the muscular tissue. These fibers are connected
to the hypothalamoneurohypophyseal axis, and they act then either locally
through marrow, either systematically through the laxity of beta-endorfin
and other neurotransmitters. These pain-killing substances elaborated in the
dog after the practice of the acupuncture would be the "endorphins"
and the seat of development, the hypophysis.
(Mentioned in "Eletrostimolazione agopunturale (EAL) e transcutanea (TENS) -
Manuale pratico" of Ulderico Lanza - Ed. 1984 Studio Editoriale Espansione,
7) Effects on the biochemical changes of body fluids:
The acupuncturists of Shanghai (China) observed, after a session of
acupuncture, a sensitive increase in the serum, at the patients as at the
healthy, the bacteriolysine, the agglutinine and the opsonine.
(Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume 2, pag. 213,
publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute, Hanoi - Vietnam - 1979. )
8) Effects on the formation of the blood cells:
Different authors showed that the acupuncture can change the elements of
blood as to increase the numbers of the white globules, the neutrophils, the
granulocytes and the lymphocytes and to intensify their phagocytary
capacity; experimentations on the patients: Nguy Nhu Thu and Vuong Le Sam
(China); experimentations on the rabbits: University military n. 4 (China)
(Mentioned in "CHAM CUU HOC", volume 2, pag. 210 -
publisher: Chinese Medicine Institute - Hanoi - Vietnam -1979).
These last two studies (7 and 8) confirm the correction of the indication of
the acupuncture in the inflammations and in the bacterial and viral